Projects (Kemal BICAKCI):


1.         Development of Authentication System Based on Behavioral Biometrics (TUBITAK 1507, continuing)


2.         Security in Insecure Environment: Design and Development of White-Box Cryptography Library (TUBITAK 1505, continuing)


3.         WARNING: A Defense-in-depth Cyber Intelligence Platform to Defend against Emerging Cyber Attacks (TUBITAK 2556 - QNRF Joint Funding Program, continuing)


4.         Pilot Study on Validating Academic Credentials (ICT PSP STORK 2.0, TUBITAK BILGEM, finished)


5.         Accessible and Usable Human Interaction Proofs (TUBITAK 1002, finished)


6.         Design and Implementation of Secure and Usable Graphical Password  Methods(TUBITAK 1001, finished)